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Our company Mandate for the Bear Village Resorts development project was created by our parent company Bear Village Inc. to focus on one primary objective: The perseverance and protection of every capital investment dollar raised by providing a fiscally responsible investment strategy designed to minimize the common risks typically attributed to development projects. Construction delays, work stoppage, global pandemics, economic downturns even acts of God are addressed in this Mandate that requires Bear Village Resorts to direct any undeployed capital including: condo sale(s), timeshare profits, and flagship management proceeds be placed in an investment account wrapped with an insurance policy to be managed by a top tier asset management partner. This strategy is uniquely designed to pay to the benefit of our investors while enhancing immediate and long term cashflow giving Bear Village Resorts the ability to debt service in the event of unforeseen default. . As each project moves forward, all invested capital will be backed by the real estate and equity created as the developments mature and will be secured through project bonding and additional insurances.

Details of this risk-mitigating strategy are reflected in our Investment Policy Statement that is available for download and review.

Click Here to download. the Bear Village Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) with detailed information about the investment offering and plans for the raised funds.

Click Here to download the Bear Village feasibility study. This is a comprehensive analysis of the location, target market, and demographics.

Click Here to download. the Bear Village Investment Policy Statement (IPS). This defines the general principles that govern Bear Village’s Portfolio of Securities held in the investment account and managed by the Investment Manager.

Click Here to view. the official Bear Village SEC EDGAR Filing with our Regulation A Offering Statement.

Have a Question?

Call Us
(866) 834-BEAR
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530 #296
Snellville, GA 30039
General Inquiries: bearvillageresorts@gmail.com
Investors: legalteam@bearvillageresorts.com

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